To strengthen knowledge, to eat one’s fill and to explore new places.

“What you know is as big as a palm tree, but what you do not know is as big as the universe.” (Indian saying)
75% of Indian children live in cramped conditions. As they usually share a one-room-apartment with all family members there is neither space nor silence to concentrate on home work and further study. That’s why Shalom has initiated 7 Nightschools in the outskirts of Vellore. 150 boys and girls come together, do their homework and get private lessons by a teacher and when school work is finished, they enjoy dinner as well as fellowship and singing.
The trip to the Yelegiri Hills is a special highlight for the “Nightschoolers”. Once a year they go the Yelegiri Camp Center for a few days. Far from their day-to-day routine, they experience a unique holiday in the middle of wonderful surroundings.