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Dear brother
greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.I was browsing through the internet to see if there is a website for Shalom Foundation Home.It’s great and real to see,I felt I was there in Vellore.
It would be much useful if your contact number is included
Keep up the good work.May God give His strength to you and all the committed staff
David & Annie
26th October 2011.
Dear brother Jeyapaul, Greetings from Sri Lanka!
Wanted to contact you and searched on the web, vaguely remembering your children home. Glad that I found it out. But I did not get any contact details on that. Please contact me on the email addresses I have furnished. How are you doing?
Loving Regards
S. K. Xavier
Well, brother Jeyapaul
I did not find my email reflection in the message. So am attaching my emails in the body text of this mail. email hidden; JavaScript is required or email hidden; JavaScript is required
Hope to hear from you soon. Regards
S. K. Xavier
Ich finde Shalom Fundation india bewegt viel in indien .
Tolle Arbeit ! Ich kann es nur Bestätigen Die Spenden Kommen 100 % an .eure arbeit ist super , wünsche euch gottes segen und Viel Erfolg .GrußTaylan Can
Hi Uncle Jayapaul!
I’m so happy to see this website for Shalom. It’s very well done and I hope it’s helping to reach out to more sponsors and well-wishers for our boys in Vellore and Yelagiri. Do send my regards to Dinakar anna and everyone else. God bless!
International Community School
Rico, I have just finished lisnteing and watching 1 Kefa Part 1 and this is great teaching! I knew the letters were answers to questions. I was enlightened when you stated to read verse 1 of 1 Kefa Ch. 1 and look at the audience Kefa was writing too. Kefa was writing to the Israelites dispersed in the five provinces who were keeping the covenant of Yahweh. Now studying is really going to get better now that I know to look at the audience. It is good to study and rightly divide the truth. I am inspired to continue to be a doer and remain in covenant with the truth of Yahweh’s scriptures. Shalom
February 8, 2011 @ 15:09
Dear Pastor Jayapaul,
we chanced upon your website as we were looking to see if Shalom has a website for more information as we were sharing with a friend about your work.
Great website done!! must be the German student who went to visit you years ago?
Do send my regards to Charles. Really glad and happy that he is getting married. Pity I cannot be there to witness it …
God bless,
Carlsen and Janice Tay